seal level rise News

Communities at Risk in Wake of Failure to Address Rising Seas

Missions flown from the NASA base here have documented some of the most dramatic evidence of a warming planet over the past 20 years: the melting of polar ice, a force contributing to a global rise in ocean levels. The …

Holding Government Legally Liable for Failing to Act

Like a driver obligated to use his brakes to prevent hitting a pedestrian in a road, governments have a duty to protect private property with the right laws and regulations, according to a Vanderbilt Law School professor. If a governmental …

North Carolina Lawmakers Pass 4 Year-Ban on Sea Level Policy Changes

After North Carolina lawmakers were ridiculed for their attempts to ignore a state-sponsored science panel that predicted a sharp rise in sea levels, they agreed this week to forbid any state agency to make policies on sea-level change until 2016 …