SeaWorld OSHA investigation News

SeaWorld Relents, Ends Trainers Swimming with Killer Whales

SeaWorld Entertainment has dropped an appeal of citations it received after the drowning of a trainer who was pulled under by a killer whale, ending any chance of trainers ever again swimming with orcas during shows. The marine park company …

Miami Seaquarium Fined Over Safety Conditions for Killer Whale Trainers

The Miami Seaquarium has been issued a $7,000 fine for allowing trainers to work with a killer whale without sufficient protections. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued the citation earlier this month. The citation is considered “serious” by the …

SeaWorld Loses Bid to Nix OSHA Limit on Contact with Killer Whales

SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. lost its bid to overturn U.S. limits on trainers’ contact with killer whales imposed after one of the animals drowned an amusement park employee during a 2010 show. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s requirement that trainers …

SeaWorld Charges OSHA in Cahoots with ‘Blackfish’ Documentary Filmmaker

SeaWorld has filed a complaint alleging that an Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigator who probed a SeaWorld trainer’s death engaged in unethical conduct by fraternizing with makers of a documentary critical of the park. The six-page complaint to the …