Securities and Exchange Commissions News

SEC to Revisit ‘Proxy’ Voting Favored by Investors Raising Social, Climate Issues

The U.S. securities regulator is set to review this month rules on corporate democracy, setting it up for a clash with investors who worry the agency will side with companies to diminish voting rights on charged issues like climate change …

SEC Discloses It Was Hacked, Now Fears Hackers Used Data for Illicit Trading

Wall Street’s top regulator faced questions on Thursday about its defenses against cyber criminals after admitting hackers breached its electronic database of corporate announcements and may have used it for insider trading. The incursion at the Securities and Exchange Commission …

S&P Balks at SEC Proposal to Disclose Rating Errors

Standard & Poor’s, whose unprecedented downgrade of U.S. debt triggered a worldwide stocks sell-off, is pushing back against a U.S. government proposal that would require credit raters to disclose “significant errors” in how they calculate their ratings. S&P, which was …

SEC Approves Whistleblower Rule

Corporate whistleblowers could score multi-million-dollar payouts for reporting financial wrongdoing under a new program approved by U.S. securities regulators on Wednesday. A divided U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-2 to finalize the measure that has grown into one of …