selfie News

Economics of Climate Change, Climate Fiction and Climate Control

With fresh news out on the global economic cost of climate change, an enticing climate fiction contest and a sweet victory for this column, it would take until Christmas to individually cover it all in a bimonthly space. So I’ll …

Disney Bans Selfie Sticks, Cites Safety Concerns

Don’t bring your selfie stick to Disney World. Officials announced Friday that a ban takes effect today at all four Disney theme parks in Orlando as well as at Disney’s water parks and Disney Quest, a gaming attraction at Downtown …

‘Selfie Stalker’ Sues Nancy Grace in Colorado

A man who was quickly branded a “selfie stalker” after his picture turned up on a crime victim’s cellphone is suing television commentator Nancy Grace for defamation. In a lawsuit filed Monday in Denver, Colo. Ben Seibert says Grace, who …