Sen. John Kennedy News

Insurance, Banking Groups Balk at Limits on Flood Insurance Operations During Shutdown

As indicated by a report by Insurance Journal over the holidays, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is limiting the authority of the nation’s flood insurance program to issue new and renewal policies during the federal government shutdown. The insurance …

Flood Insurance Lapse Avoided But Longer Term Extension Still Uncertain

The House and the Senate have approved a seven-day extension of the federal flood insurance program that keeps the program from lapsing Friday. That short extension will take the program to Dec. 7, the day by which Congress must pass …

Flood Insurance Program to Lapse Nov. 30 Unless Congress Acts

Once again the fate of the nation’s flood insurance program is coming down to the wire. Authorization for the program is set to expire Friday, Nov. 30 unless Congress acts. The most likely action will be another short-term extension. Sens. …

Senator Inserts Flood Insurance Renewal in Farm Bill

As the U.S. Senate prepared to consider amendments to its version of a farm bill, Sen. John Kennedy (R., La.) on Wednesday inserted a proposal to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for six months. The program extension, which …