Senate cybersecurity bill News

Cyber Sharing, Liability Bill Makes Progress in Senate

A long-delayed bill that would make it easier for corporations to share information about cyber attacks with each other or the government without fear of lawsuits advanced in the U.S. Senate on Thursday with support from members of both parties …

Senate Takes Up Cyber Liability Bill

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday began debating a long-delayed bill that would make it easier for corporations to share information about cyber attacks with each other or the government without concern about lawsuits. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said …

Senate Leaders Vow September Vote on Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. Senate will not vote on a cyber security bill until September, after lawmakers return from a four-week recess and consider the nuclear agreement with Iran, the chamber’s leaders said on Wednesday. Some lawmakers had called for urgent consideration …

Senate Fails to Advance Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. Senate failed on Thursday to advance legislation to strengthen protections against cyber attacks, as Democrats banded together to oppose the measure’s inclusion in a defense policy bill President Barack Obama has threatened to veto. By a 56-40 vote, …

Senate Advances Bill to Shield Firms Sharing Cyber Threats with NSA

The Senate is advancing legislation that would let companies and the U.S. government share information about hacking threats, even as privacy advocates say the plan could enable the National Security Agency to sweep up information about innocent Americans. Bank of …

Senate Kills Cybersecurity Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared a U.S. cybersecurity bill, opposed by business and privacy groups, dead on Wednesday after it failed a test vote for the second time. The bill would have increased information-sharing between intelligence agencies and private …

White House Readies Executive Order on Cybersecurity

The White House is preparing to direct federal agencies to develop voluntary cybersecurity guidelines for owners of power, water and other critical infrastructure facilities, according to people who said they had seen recent drafts of an executive order. The prospective …

Bipartisan Senate Bill Addresses Cyber Threats

Compromise legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate on Thursday would bolster cyber threat assessment and permit the government to share information with American business under certain conditions, a step aimed at better protecting them from attacks. The bill, which is …