Senate flood insurance bill News

Senators’ Flood Insurance Measure Includes Premium Cap, Mitigation, Claims Reforms

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators from coastal states — including three running for president– unveiled a comprehensive flood insurance reform measure they see as an alternative to measures recently passed by a House committee. The Senate proposal, which builds …

Senate Takes First Step on Flood Insurance, Agent Licensing Bill

The Senate voted 86-13 early Monday evening to proceed with debate on a bill to both delay some flood insurance premium increases and establish an optional national registry for insurance agent and broker licensing. That procedural vote means there could …

Congressional Spending Plan Would Curb Some Flood Insurance Hikes

The $1.1 trillion government funding agreement unveiled by Congressional negotiators on Monday includes language to postpone for about eight months some of the flood insurance rate hikes triggered by reforms passed in 2012. But the budget language does not go …

Groups Urge Congress to Target Flood Insurance Fix to Help Needy, Not Wealthy

Opponents of delaying Biggert-Waters flood insurance reforms and stopping the resulting premium hikes say the negative effects are being exaggerated and instead of gutting all of the reforms, Congress should target its fix, including using means-testing, to those who most …

Key Senate Vote on Flood Insurance Rate Delay Pushed to Next Week

The U.S. Senate is expected to take a key vote soon on a bill that would delay some of the flood insurance rate hikes triggered by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. The procedural vote will determine whether …

Congress Agrees on Multi-Year Flood Insurance Extension, Reforms

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a massive bill on Friday combining funding for transportation programs, low-interest student loans, and the National Flood Insurance Program. On a 373-52 vote, the House sent the measure to the Senate which passed it, …

Republican Senator’s Abortion Amendment Holding Up Flood Insurance Bill: Reid

The Senate bill to renew the federal flood insurance program is being jeopardized by a Republican senator who is insisting on an amendment to the bill that defines “when life begins,” Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, D.-Nev., said today. …

Obama Lends Support to Senate Flood Insurance Bill

The Obama Administration has signaled its support for a Senate bill (S.1940) to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The Senate advanced the bill yesterday but did not vote on it as Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, D.-Nev., indicated …

Flood Insurance Program Extended Until July 31

As expected, the U.S. House of Representatives agreed with a Senate a measure extending the federal flood insurance program for 60 days until July 31. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation into law before the current authorization for …

House Expected to Agree to Senate’s 60-Day Extension of Flood Program Tonight

The House of Representatives is expected to go along with a 60-day reauthorization of the federal flood insurance program already approved by the Senate. A vote will come on an amendment to H.R. 5740, the National Flood Insurance Program Extension …