severe repetitive loss properties News

Tracking Tool Spotlights Repetitive Flood Loss Homes Receiving U.S. Taxpayer Funds

Passaic County in New Jersey is not in the hurricane belt nor is it on the banks of a major river, and yet 810 properties there received $170 million of taxpayer money through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) since …

How Taxpayers Subsidize Rebuilding Homes After Flooding… Repeatedly

Floodwaters rose about 15 inches (40 centimeters) into Danielle Rees’ home in September when Hurricane Florence drenched this tidewater city on the Pamlico River and overwhelmed a local creek and marshland. The first floor was a sopping mess of gritty, …

Hurricane Florence’s Surge Is Expected to Hit Homes That Already Cost the Government Millions: ProPublica

Though the flooding from Hurricane Florence is predicted to be unprecedented, residents of the coastal North Carolina towns threatened by the storm surge know what it’s like to take on water. Some homes in these areas have been repeatedly flooded …