sex abuse News

Recordings Show How Mormon Church Protects Itself From Child Sex Abuse Claims

Paul Rytting listened as a woman, voice quavering, told him her story. When she was a child, her father, a former bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had routinely slipped into bed with her while he …

Lawsuit Claims Victims of Sexual Abuse and Rape at Shuttered Arkansas Facility

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) – Eight former residents of a youth treatment center that was run by an Arkansas man whose bribery conviction was commuted by former President Donald Trump have filed a lawsuit claiming they were victims of “systematic …

San Francisco Archdiocese Declares Bankruptcy Amid Hundreds of Sex Abuse Lawsuits

San Francisco’s Roman Catholic archdiocese filed for bankruptcy this week, saying the filing is necessary to manage more than 500 lawsuits alleging child sexual abuse by church officials. The Chapter 11 protection filing will stop all legal actions against the …

California City and School District Paying $52M to Settle Sex Abuse Case

Sacramento and the city’s school district will pay more than $52 million to settle lawsuits alleging negligence by officials after an aide pleaded guilty to sexually abusing at least eight elementary school students nearly a decade ago. Joshua Vasquez was …

Colorado Court Considers Challenge to Sex Abuse Lawsuit

A new law passed by state lawmakers opened the door for Angelica Saupe to finally a pursue a claim against the school district where she says a high school basketball coach sexually abused her in the early 2000s. But that …

Judge OKs Fund for University of Michigan Doctor’s Victims

A judge on Friday signed off on a fund for more than 1,000 people who said they were sexually assaulted by a University of Michigan doctor, an order that allows victims to start collecting a portion of a $490 million …

Carolina High Court Takes Up Law That Extends Time on Sex Abuse Claims

North Carolina’s Supreme Court will accelerate appeals over the constitutionality of a state law that gave adults with child sexual abuse claims another two years to seek civil damages. A majority of justices agreed this week t o hear the …

Epstein Victims Fund Wraps Up After Paying More Than $120 Million in Claims

A fund to compensate victims of Jeffrey Epstein is concluding its claims process after awarding more than $120 million, its administrator said. The announcement Monday comes one day before the second anniversary of Epstein’s death in a New York jail …

New Hampshire Sex Abuse Class-Action Suit Tossed, Individual Claims Stand

A judge on Wednesday dismissed a class action lawsuit involving 300 people who allege decades of abuse at New Hampshire’s youth detention center, but he left the door open for individual claims against the state. The lead plaintiff, David Meehan, …

Federal Judge Rejects Weinstein’s $18.9 Million Sex-Abuse Settlement

A federal judge won’t give preliminary approval to a proposed $18.9 million settlement between Harvey Weinstein and nine women who claim he sexually assaulted or abused them, saying the tentative deal isn’t fair to other women. U.S. District Judge Alvin …