sex abuse lawsuit News

Suit Accuses California University of Mishandling Sex Assault Reports

A Stanford University graduate student claimed in a federal lawsuit that the school failed to adequately investigate and discipline a former student who was a “known sexual predator” while attending the college and sexually assaulted her and other female students …

Milwaukee Archdiocese Seeks Insurance Settlements in Abuse Cases

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee may be poised for a settlement with its insurance companies that could fast-track a resolution of its long-running bankruptcy case. But attorneys for sex-abuse victims are objecting, saying those who have claims against the church deserve …

Insurer Denies Coverage in Kansas City Diocese Settlement

A former insurance company for the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., is seeking to avoid paying for priest sexual abuse settlements. The Chicago Insurance Co. said in a federal court filing that it has no obligation to cover …