sex abuse lawsuits News

Survivors of Sex Abuse Ask Louisiana High Court to Open Window to Sue

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Advocates for adult victims of childhood sexual abuse say they will ask Louisiana’s Supreme Court to reconsider a ruling that wiped out 2021 legislation giving them a renewed opportunity to file civil damage lawsuits over their …

Bill Cosby Accuser Files New Lawsuit Under Expiring New York Survivors Law

A woman who said Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her when she was a young comedy writer more than 50 years ago filed a lawsuit against the actor Thursday under a soon-to-expire New York law that gave victims of sexual abuse …

New York Law That Opened Window for 2,500 Sex Abuse Suits Is Expiring

For a year, a special New York law has cleared the way for a wave of headline-grabbing lawsuits against famous men accused of sexual misconduct, including former President Donald Trump, hip hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs and the comedian and …

Maryland Lawmakers Advance Bill to End Time Limit on Sex Abuse Civil Suits

A key panel of Maryland lawmakers on Friday advanced a measure that would end the state’s statute of limitations for when civil lawsuits can be filed against public and private institutions related to child sexual abuse. The Maryland Senate Judicial …

Judge Dismisses More Unsettled Lawsuits Over Sex Abuse by Ohio State Doctor

A federal judge on Monday dismissed more of the unsettled lawsuits filed by men who say Ohio State University failed to stop sexual abuse decades ago by now-deceased team doctor Richard Strauss. U.S. District Court Judge Michael Watson’s latest rulings …

Church Official Warns of Financial Flood from Clergy Sex Abuse Claims

A top official with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe says a financial flood from clergy sex abuse claims is coming and a settlement would serve as the dam to prevent devastation to parishes across northern New Mexico. A letter from …

Cost Unclear as Ohio State Settles Suits Over Doc Abuse

Ohio State reached an unspecified settlement with nearly half of the roughly 350 men who say they were sexually abused decades ago by a team doctor who was jokingly known among some athletes by nicknames like “Dr. Jelly Paws.” The …

Vatican Tribunal Processes ‘Tsunami’ of Clergy Sex Abuse Complaints

The Vatican office responsible for processing clergy sex abuse complaints saw a record 1,000 cases reported from around the world this year – and still some regions that haven’t reported any allegations at all. The Congregation for the Doctrine of …

Under New State Laws, Catholic Church Could See New Wave of Abuse Suits

A wave of new laws in 15 states that allow people to make claims of sexual abuse going back decades could bring a deluge of lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Church that could surpass anything seen so far in its …

Over 400 Sex Abuse Suits Filed in New York as Litigation Window Opens

The Roman Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, schools and hospitals, the late financier Jeffrey Epstein are some of the targets named in a flurry of sex abuse lawsuits filed Wednesday in New York as the state began accepting cases once …