sex abuse News

Oregon Children Sue Day Care Owner, State Agencies Over Sex Abuse

The representatives of three children who attended a Polk County, Ore. day care are suing multiple people and state agencies over sexual abuse for $5.1 million. The children attended the now-closed Stinky Feet Childcare in Independence owned by Ceola Harden, …

Former UCLA Gynecologist Pleads Not Guilty to Patient Sex Abuse

A retired gynecologist who worked at the University of California, Los Angeles for decades has pleaded not guilty to sexually abusing two patients during examinations and the campus is asking anyone who may have other complaints against him to step …

Hawaii Private School Pays $65M to Sex Abuse Victims

A private school system in Hawaii has paid $65 million to 32 people who sued the institution for the sexual abuse perpetrated decades ago by a psychiatric consultant. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported the payment Kamehameha Schools made this week is …

California Catholic Bishops at Center of Sex Abuse Lawsuit

A man who says he was sexually abused decades ago by his parish priest said he is suing all Catholic bishops in California and the Archdiocese of Chicago, seeking to compel church officials to release records on clergy abuse. The …

School District in California Settles Sex Abuse Cases for $15M

A Southern California school district agreed to pay more than $15 million to settle lawsuits by eight former students who say they were sexually abused by teachers and staff members, attorneys announced this week. The three cases involved former female …

Montana Jury Awards $300K in Youth Center Sex Abuse Case

A Montana jury has awarded $300,000 to a mother who claimed a Billings youth treatment center failed to protect her son from being sexually abused by other residents. The Billings Gazette reports the jury awarded the damages Wednesday on claims …

Abuse Cases Against California Jehovah’s Witnesses Congregations Settled

Two men who say they were sexually abused by a leader at Jehovah’s Witnesses congregations in San Diego, Calif. in the 1990s have settled their lawsuits against the church’s governing body. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that the settlements were …

California Looking for Balancing Act for Harassment Discipline

California Sen. Tony Mendoza’s resignation this week spared his fellow lawmakers from a difficult decision about appropriate punishment after an investigation found he likely engaged in flirtatious and sexually suggestive behavior with a half-dozen women. But the Legislature’s reckoning with …

Attorneys Say Montana Diocese Has More Assets for Abuse Settlements

Attorneys representing victims of sex abuse by priests and other employees of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Great Falls-Billings in Montana argue parish money being held by the diocese should be available to pay a settlement to victims. The victims …

Montana Diocese Filing for Bankruptcy to Settle Sex Abuse Claims

A second Montana Roman Catholic diocese will file for bankruptcy protection as part of settlements involving more than 400 people in sex abuse lawsuits, church officials said Friday. The Diocese of Great Falls-Billings said it expected to make the Chapter …