sex abuse News

$14M Suit Filed by Former Oregon Boy Scouts Claiming Sex Abuse

Two men have filed a lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America and its local branch for $7 million each, claiming they were sexually abused by a former scout leader in Milwaukie in the 1970s. The Oregonian/OregonLive reported the lawsuit …

Man Seeking $5M in Damages from Utah Big Brothers Big Sisters over Sex Abuse

The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah organization has been sued by a man who claims the group did not do enough to stop a former mentor from sexually abusing him when he was a boy over a period lasting …

2 California School Districts Will Settle Teacher Sex Case for $5M

Two California school districts will pay most of a roughly $5 million settlement to a girl who was sexually abused by a former high school teacher. Jeremy Monn is serving a seven-year sentence after being convicted in 2015 for having …

Washington Lawsuit Says Special Needs Student Sexually Abused by 3 Students

A lawsuit has accused a Washington school district of failing to protect a female special needs student from a male special needs classmate who sexually abused her in 2012. The News Tribune reported the lawsuit was filed earlier this month …

2 Men File Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Boy Scouts In Oregon

Two Oregon men have filed sexual abuse lawsuits against the Boy Scouts of America. The Oregonian/OregonLive reported that the lawsuits were filed on Tuesday. They allege the plaintiffs were sexually abused by former scout leaders who were allowed to lead …

Oregon Woman Settles Suit over Abuse by Insurance Agent Father

A Eugene, Ore. woman who sued her adopted parents after disclosing that her father sexually abused her has agreed to settle the civil case. The Register-Guard reports that according to documents filed in Lane County Circuit Court last week the …

Lawsuit Takes Aim at Wyoming School District in Teacher Abuse Case

A lawsuit accuses Cheyenne school officials of failing to stop a sixth-grade female teacher from sexually abusing a student over a two-year period even after they became aware of an inappropriate relationship. The lawsuit contends an “environment based upon preconceptions …

Oregon Women Sue Kaiser Over Ex-Nurse Facing Sex Abuse Charges

Two Oregon women who claim they were sexually abused by a nurse at a Beaverton clinic have filed a $1 million lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente over claims of negligence. The Oregonian reported the suit filed this week claims Kaiser failed …

Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Colorado Halfway House

Two women say they faced unwanted sexual advances while living at a Colorado Springs, Colo. halfway house. The Colorado Springs Gazette reported that according to a federal lawsuit filed against Community Alternatives of El Paso female residents say they felt …

California School District And Administrators Ignored Sex Abuse, Lawsuit Charges

Twenty Los Angeles, Calif.-area boys who say a Torrance High School wrestling coach sexually abused them are suing the school district and administrators, claiming they failed to protect the teens and ignored past allegations, attorneys announced Thursday. The lawsuits were …