sex abuse News

Virginia Bill Extends Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations to 20 Years

A bill to extend the amount of time victims of sexual abuse have to file lawsuits against their attackers and others who may have covered up the abuse cleared a major hurdle in Virginia this week. The House Courts Committee …

Philadelphia Suit Alleges U.S. Catholic Leaders Failed to Protect Kids

A civil lawsuit filed this week against the Archdiocese of Philadelphia by a man who said two priests had sexually abused him as a child may signal a new era in church-abuse litigation in Pennsylvania. The Roman Catholic archdiocese, long …

Lawyer for Wisconsin Abuse Accuser Says Vatican Refuses Lawsuit

The attorney for a man who says he was sexually abused decades ago by a now-deceased priest at a Wisconsin school for the deaf says the Vatican has refused to be served with a lawsuit over the matter. St. Paul …