shadow banks News

Shadow Banks, Such as Insurers, Hedge Funds, Could Be Sitting on Elevated Risk: ECB

The European Central Bank may need to take on a bigger role in supervising shadow banks as they are now bigger than conventional lenders and may be sitting on elevated risk, the outgoing head of the ECB’s supervision arm told …

Fed Proposal Would Hike Capital Requirements to Discourage ‘Too Big to Fail’

Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari unveiled a plan on Wednesday to prevent future government bailouts by forcing the largest U.S. banks to hold so much capital that they would probably decide to break themselves up. Kashkari’s plan would also …

IAIS Plan for Re/Insurers’ Systemic Risks ‘Debatable’ Says UK Expert

“The IAIS, with its proposal for additional risk-adjusted capital rules for major re/insurers, seems to be joining the regulatory bandwagon for seeing these as a potential source of threat to the global financial system,” wrote Stuart Shipperlee, Analytical Partner at …