shipping losses News

Cargo Ship Sinks in Rough Seas off Coast of Turkey; 2 Crew Members Killed

At least two crew members were killed on Monday after a cargo ship sank in rough seas off Turkey’s Black Sea coast, officials and media reports said. Seven crew members were rescued while a search was underway for four others. …

Swiss Shipping Firm MSC Pledges to Recover Containers Lost in North Sea

Switzerland-based shipping company MSC is pledging to pay the cost of cleaning up hundreds of containers one of its cargo vessels lost in a North Sea storm. The company said Saturday that it was committed to finding and retrieving the …

Containers Carrying Hazardous Materials Fall Off Cargo Ship Near Dutch Coast

Authorities in Germany and the Netherlands are searching for up to 270 shipping containers lost at sea by a cargo ship caught in a storm, saying some are carrying hazardous materials. German authorities say the cargo ship that lost the …

Philippines Hunts for Crew of Ship Sunk by Typhoon Nock-Ten; AIR Comments

The Philippine coast guard pressed its search Tuesday for 18 crewmen from a cargo ship that sank at the height of Typhoon Nock-Ten, which struck the country on Christmas Day. Coast guard spokesman Armand Balilo said 14 other crewmen have …

Shipping Losses Up in 2012 But Down Over 10-Years: AGCS Report

There have been 106 ship losses reported worldwide in the 12 months since last to November 25 – an increase of 91 ships from the previous year but a 27 percent decrease on the 10- year average of 146 ships …