shipping sanctions News

Shipping Firm Warns Delays May Damage Perishable Cargo Shipments to Russia

Shipments of foodstuffs and medical supplies to Russia risk being damaged or spoiled due to significant delays at ports and customs, shipping group Maersk told its customers on Wednesday. Maersk and two other large container lines have temporarily suspended cargo …

U.S. Targets Ship Insurers, Maritime Industry to Strengthen Venezuela Sanctions

Several companies that certify vessels are seaworthy and ship insurers have withdrawn services to tankers involved in the Venezuelan oil trade as the United States targets the maritime industry to tighten sanctions on the Latin American country. U.S. sanctions have …

Syria’s Shipping Trade Struggles as War Risks Bite

War and sanctions are taking an increasing toll on Syria’s vital sea-borne trade, with fewer vessels calling at its cargo ports as ship-owners shy away from the risks associated with a conflict now in its third year. The slowdown in …