shortages News

U.S. Intelligence Report Sees Global Water Conflict Risks Rising

Fresh water supplies are unlikely to keep up with global demand by 2040, increasing political instability, hobbling economic growth and endangering world food markets, according to a U.S. intelligence assessment released on Thursday. The report by the office of the …

Japan Disaster Shows up Flaws in ‘Just-in-time’ Production

Just over a week after the massive earthquake hit the sprawling Texas Instruments chip plant here, a gardener is reworking the Japanese garden in an inner courtyard of the office tower attached to the plant. The garden is a symbol …

Supply Chain Concerns Grow as Japan Lacks Parts, Power, People

From Apple’s new iPad to Chevrolet pick-ups and many of the world’s airplane kitchens, concern is spreading down the global manufacturing supply chain about the impact from Japan’s earthquake last week. Plant shutdowns across Japan following the earthquake, tsunami and …