Singapore Strait News

Marine Crimes in SE. Asia at Highest Level in Years: Dryad Maritime Study

In its latest report for the third quarter of 2015 Dryad Maritime, the UK’s maritime intelligence company, found that global maritime crime is showing “a stark rise of 38 percent of incidents across Southeast Asia,” compared to the first nine …

Dryad Maritime Reports ‘Increasing Threat’ of Piracy in Southeast Asia

Marine intelligence specialist Dryad Maritime has issued a warning of an increasing threat from Southeast Asia piracy following the release of their second quarter figures, which show that the area continues to experience the highest number of maritime crime incidents …

Dryad Maritime Warns of Increases in Southeast Asia Cargo Thefts

The latest report of a tanker hijack in Southeast Asia has prompted Dryad Maritime to issue an advisory to its shipping clients, based on the supposition that “crime follows a pattern, which has seen up to six such attacks, over …