Society for Human Resource Management News

How CNN Exec’s Departure Illustrates Peril of Not Disclosing Workplace Romance

For all the potential peril of a workplace romance, the most common source of trouble, experts say, is allowing it to remain a secret. A case in point was last week’s abrupt ouster of longtime CNN chief executive Jeff Zucker, …

Employers, Employees Disconnect Over #MeToo Effect

Ask employers how they’re doing on sexual harassment in the workplace and most will say pretty well. Employees have a different take. Nearly 70 percent of leaders “strongly agree” that their workplace “does not tolerate harassment.” Fewer than half of …

#MeToo Brings Positive Changes and Unintended Consequences to Workplaces

Has the workplace changed in the year since New York Times reported the first allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein? At the very least, many powerful men have altered their behavior, according to a new survey from the Society for …

More Employers Offering Paid Parental Leave Benefit

More than one in three U.S. employers offers paid maternity leave beyond the amount required by law, up from one in six earlier this decade, according to new data from the Society for Human Resource Management. All 20 of the …

Why Workplace Sexual Harassment Is Under-Reported: SHRM Survey

Sexual harassment in the workplace is under-reported by employees partly because some employees are unaware that their employers have anti-harassment policies or that there are ways to report without bringing harm to themselves, according to a survey of human resource …

Workplace Bullying Emerging As Major Employment Liability Battleground

Margaret Fiester is no shrinking violet, but she says working for her former boss was a nightmare. “One day I didn’t do something right and she actually laid her hands on me and got up in my face and started …