Society for Risk Analysis News

Females More Likely Than Males to Engage in Distracted Driving

People who text while driving are six times more likely to be involved in a car crash while those who talk on a mobile device while driving increase their crash risk more than two times. Yet many drivers are still …

How Safe Must Driverless Vehicles Be to Be Accepted? Very Safe.

The race is on for companies to present their driverless cars to the public, but recent collisions involving autonomous vehicles developed by Uber Technologies Inc. and Tesla Inc. have led to doubts about whether these vehicles can alleviate traffic issues …

Terrorists Have Shifted from Attacking Airlines to Mass Transit: Study

Successful terrorists have shifted their focus in recent years away from attacking airlines to attacking subway and rail systems, according to an analysis of terrorist attacks over a 30-year period from 1982 to 2011 by a leading health and safety …

Prior Experience Heightens Perceptions of Disaster Risks

People who have experienced a disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or terrorist attack have a heightened perception of the risks posed by these and, in some cases, unrelated risks, according to a study involving 1,045 survivors of these incidents. …