soft market 2018 News

Natural Disasters Drive £1 Billion (US$1.3 Billion) Loss at Lloyd’s During 2018

Lloyd’s of London reported a £1 billion (US$ 1.3 billion) loss for 2018, attributed to an above-average number of major natural catastrophes such Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Jebi in Japan, as well as the Californian wildfires in the fourth …

Burand’s State of the P/C Insurance Industry 2018: Pricing Cycle Effects on Agents

The property & casualty insurance and group benefits industry is changing faster than ever, or at least faster than any time in any reader’s history. Many factors are the parents of such change. In part one of this two part …

Natural Catastrophe Claims in 2017 Reached a Record $135B: Munich Re

The insurance industry will pay record claims of US$135 billion from last year’s spate of natural catastrophes, according to a report published by Munich Re. Further, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria (HIM), the Mexico earthquakes and wildfires in California created …

The Fine Art of Underwriting Through Soft & Slightly Harder Market Cycles

Twenty or so years ago, a London market marine underwriter declared he was going golfing one afternoon because he had reached his annual capacity level. That was an underwriting model commonly used in the Lloyd’s and London markets. Underwriters sat …

Property Reinsurance Rates Rise Less Than Expected in Jan. 1 Renewals

Global property reinsurance prices have risen less than expected in the key Jan. 1 renewal season, with strong competition limiting increases to single digit percentages following a record year of losses, brokers said on Tuesday. Catastrophe bond managers are launching …