solar flares News

Extreme Solar Blackouts May Cost U.S. More Than $40 Billion Daily

The daily U.S. economic cost from solar storm-induced electricity blackouts could be in the tens of billions of dollars, with more than half the loss from indirect costs outside the blackout zone, according to a new study published in a …

Lloyd’s Report Highlights Solar Storm Threat as Emerging Risk

“A large solar storm could leave tens of millions of people in North America without electrical power for several months, if not years, potentially costing trillions of dollars,” according to Lloyd’s latest emerging risks report: “Solar Storm Risk to the …

Peak Sun Cycle Threatens Satellites, Power Grids from Space Storms

The delicate threads that hold modern life together are dramatically cut by an unexpected threat from outer space, with disastrous effects. It’s the stuff of science fiction usually associated with tales of rogue asteroids on a collision course with earth. …