Solvency II regulations News

DIMA CEO on Ireland’s Recovery and Facing Neglected Challenges

Sarah Goddard, the CEO of the Dublin Insurance Marketing Association (DIMA), organizers of the European Insurance Forum, took time to discuss some of the issues the re/insurance industry faces, now that it has more or less coped with the Solvency …

Solvency II Staggers Towards Finish Line: a Retrospective Analysis

It’s been a long process, but, according to Paul Fisher, deputy head of the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), who supervises insurance and regulatory risk, the introduction of the EU’s Solvency II regulations is nearing completion. In his …

FERMA Releases Positions on Captives, Niche Companies and Solvency II

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) released a bulletin detailing the organization’s position on how captives and “niche insurers” could be adversely affected by Solvency II. The organization’s President, Jorge Luzzi, said: “The continuing delays to the adoption …

FERMA Forum Opens with Solvency II Analysis from Karel Van Hulle

The bi-annual Risk Management Forum of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) kicked off with a reception on Sunday night for the 1400 plus delegates at the MECC Conference Center in the Dutch city of Maastricht. FERMA got …