Edge Computing, Supply Chains, Deepfakes Among 2020’s Top Emerging Risks: Swiss Re

Pandemic threats were once on the list of potential emerging risks facing the insurance industry and society. Now that this risk has materialized with the COVID-19 crisis, it is perhaps a good time to take a look at the latest …

Swiss Re’s List of Emerging Risks Range from Blockchain Tech to Human Cyborgs

A fragmented Internet, continued experimentation with monetary policy and another round of economic crises in emerging markets top Swiss Re’s latest roundup of emerging risks to watch out for. Beyond those top three, the reinsurance giant covers everything from human-induced …

Swiss Re Identifies Top Emerging Risks

De-globalization and political conflict, large natural catastrophes, financial repression and the challenge posed by the “Internet of Things” are some of the risks identified in this year’s “New emerging risk insights” report published by Swiss Re. The publication is based …