Sony News

Sony to Take Full Control of Its Financial Unit for $3.7B, Aiming for Fintech Growth

Sony Corp. said on Tuesday it will turn its listed financial arm, Sony Financial Holdings Inc, into a wholly owned unit through a tender offer worth about 400 billion yen ($3.72 billion). The deal will allow the Japanese electronics and …

European Cyber Police Hunt for Culprits of Global Ransomware Attack

Days after the global cyber attack, U.K. police are trying to figure out whether it was an established network of criminals, state-backed hackers or bored teenagers that crippled the country’s health service. The malware campaign affected more than 200,000 computers …

WannaCry Ransomware Hackers Threaten to Release More Malicious Code

Governments turned their attention to a possible new wave of cyber threats on Tuesday after the group that leaked U.S. hacking tools used to launch the global WannaCry “ransomware” attack warned it would release more malicious code. The fast-spreading cyber …

Corporations Have ‘Alarmingly High’ Failure Rate with Their Cyber Defenses: Accenture

About one-third of targeted attempts to breach corporations’ cyber defenses succeed but three-quarters of executives remain unaccountably confident in their security strategies, Accenture Plc. reported Wednesday in a survey of 2,000 security officers representing large enterprises worldwide. The “alarmingly high” …

Death Toll Rises from Japanese Earthquakes; Supply Chain Disruptions Examined

The death toll from earthquakes that struck southern Japan rose to 42 and the economic impact began to reverberate Monday as companies surveyed damage and the potential effects on production from supply-chain disruptions. The quakes that struck the island of …

Sony’s Camera Chip Factory Halts Production After Japan Temblor; AIR Comments

The earthquake in southern Japan that killed nine people, damaged buildings and derailed a bullet train also halted production at a Sony Corp. camera-chip factory, a key part of the global smartphone supply chain. The plant in Kumamoto on the …

Sony, Zurich Reach Settlement in PlayStation Data Breach Case in New York

Sony Corp. of America and Zurich American Insurance Co. have reached a settlement in a commercial general liability (CGL) policy coverage case stemming from the April 2011 hacking of Sony’s PlayStation online services, according to court documents filed Thursday. The …

Risk Modelers Aim to Gauge Risks of ‘Cyber Hurricane’

Even as the Sony Corp. cyber attack laid bare the kinds of vulnerabilities that typically drive companies to buy insurance policies, the lack of a risk model for insurers means such protection is not always easy to get. Unlike earthquakes, …

N.Y. Court: Zurich Not Obligated to Defend Sony Units in Data Breach Litigation

A New York trial court recently ruled in a commercial general liability (CGL) policy coverage case that Zurich American Insurance Co. has no duty to defend Sony Corp. of America and Sony Computer Entertainment America in litigation stemming from the …

Sony Says London Warehouse Fire May Affect UK Deliveries

Sony Corp said on Tuesday deliveries in Britain of compact discs and DVDs could be affected after a fire hit its sole warehouse for content products in the country. The fire in the insured three-storey, 20,000 square meter warehouse was …