Southeast Asia News

RMS Launches New Models for Tropical Cyclone & Earthquake in Asia Pacific

RMS, the Newark, Calif.-based risk modeling and analytics firm, has introduced typhoon models for wind and flood for South Korea and Taiwan, plus four new earthquake models for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. This launch augments the company’s existing suite …

RFIB Names Leith-Smith, Penfold & Hawkins, Forming SE Asia Marine Cargo Team

RFIB Group Ltd., the London-based Lloyd’s insurance and reinsurance broker, announced the appointments of Paul Leith-Smith, Giles Penfold and Will Hawkins who will form a new Southeast Asia marine cargo team. The team joins from the broker, Ed, and will …

Marine Crimes in SE. Asia at Highest Level in Years: Dryad Maritime Study

In its latest report for the third quarter of 2015 Dryad Maritime, the UK’s maritime intelligence company, found that global maritime crime is showing “a stark rise of 38 percent of incidents across Southeast Asia,” compared to the first nine …

Malaysia Islamic Insurers Seek to Double Policyholders by Going Digital

Malaysia’s Islamic insurers are seeking to double policyholders in five years by investing more in digital technologies to attract a younger audience, according to the industry association’s head. Takaful operators should also step up educational campaigns to boost customers to …

ASEAN Open Market Will Benefit Region’s Insurance Industry: Best’s Report

While the planned year-end timeline for 10 Southeast Asia nations forging ahead under a single, open economic market appears to be slipping, the region’s insurance industry has reached common ground on the benefits of operating beneath such a model, according …

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka Hit by Heavy Rains, Floods: AIR

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, the rains of the past week across Southeast Asia have been much higher than average, even for a period during which Southeast Asian countries normally experience heavy monsoon rains. AIR noted that “severe …

Pirate Attacks on Small Oil Tankers Rising in Southeast Asia Waters

Hijackings of small oil tankers by armed gangs are increasing in Southeast Asia, home to the shortest sea-trade route between the Middle East and China, even as pirate attacks globally fell for a third year. Five of the six vessels …

El Nino Seen Weak or Delayed for Several Months by Forecasters

El Nino will probably develop as a weak event in late summer or early fall in the Northern Hemisphere, according to MDA Weather Services, while Commodity Weather Group LLC said it may be delayed for several months as the warming …

Confusion as Search for Missing Malaysian Jetliner Spreads across SE Asia

The search for a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner expanded on Wednesday to cover a swathe of Southeast Asia, from the South China Sea to India’s territorial waters, with authorities no closer to explaining what happened to the plane or the …

AIG Lured to Malaysia by Growing Takaful Market: Islamic Finance

American International Group Inc. is plotting its entry into Malaysia’s Islamic insurance market, lured by the country’s economic expansion and an industry that has grown more than fivefold in less than a decade. The insurer, the world’s largest before being …