Southern California Edison News

NRC Chair To Visit Troubled California Nuke Plant

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced Wednesday that its chairman will visit the ailing San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast, where twin reactors have been sidelined because of excessive wear in tubing that carries radioactive water. The visit …

Nuclear Plant Problems in California

The utility that runs California’s San Onofre nuclear plant misled federal regulators about equipment and design changes that are the likely cause of extensive wear on tubing that carries radioactive water, a report commissioned by an environmental group claimed Tuesday. …

Close Look at Leak Due at California Nuke Plant

Inspectors are waiting for the 105 degree temperature inside a nuclear reactor to drop enough to make it safe for workers and equipment to get inside and inspect a tube leak that prompted operators to shut down a nuclear plant …

California Utility Says Power Back For All Customers

Southern California Edison says it has restored power to all customers who were blacked out by last week’s ferocious windstorm. Spokesman Scott Andresen says the lights went back on for the last few customers at 6:21 a.m. Thursday — six …