S&P Global News

U.S. P/C Industry Posts Record Q1 Underwriting Loss: S&P

An analysis from S&P Global Market Intelligence found that the finger can be pointed at personal lines carriers for most of the property/casualty industry underwriting red ink during the first quarter. The U.S. P/C industry posted its largest net underwriting …

Assets of World’s Largest Companies at Growing Risk of Climate Impact: S&P

Over 90% of the world’s largest companies will have at least one asset highly exposed to the physical impacts of climate change by the 2050s, data and analysis from index and ratings provider S&P Global showed on Thursday. From heatwaves …

Why Millions Have Left Workforce During Pandemic

Approximately five million people in the U.S. are unemployed or have left the workforce since the pandemic began, and it is difficult to predict whether their decision was short term or permanent. According to S&P Global, even as extended unemployment …

Reinsurers Increasingly Using ILS to Transfer Risks

Reinsurers are increasingly relying on third-party capital to support their retrocession needs, in which they transfer risks they have assumed to other counterparties. According to a report from S&P Global Ratings, reinsurers have ceded about 50% of their exposures at …

Why Women Are Key to Long-Term U.S. Economic Growth: S&P

As the U.S. economy continues its over eight-year expansion, analysts at S&P Global say they have an answer as to how to boost GDP growth along with labor force participation and productivity. The answer is women. In a report titled …