special session News

Independent Adjusters Charge Florida Insurers With Doctoring Damage Estimates

Do some Florida property insurance companies hire independent adjusters to inspect property claims, then routinely alter their inspection reports to reduce estimated losses? Yes, and it’s a widespread and fraudulent practice, according to three adjusters who spoke Tuesday at a …

It’s On: Florida Special Session on Insurance Slated for Dec. 12-16

It hasn’t been made official by the governor’s office, but Florida legislative leaders have set a date for a second special session to tackle property insurance issues – Dec. 12 through Dec. 16. Memos from newly sworn Senate and House …

Florida Governor Plans to Call Second Special Session to Tackle Insurance Crisis

Florida’s besieged property insurance industry is hoping the second time will be the charm, after Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that he is working with lawmakers to schedule another special session to help stablilize the market. The governor’s office did not …

Florida Insurance Groups Divided on Proposed Special Session Bill

Florida’s insurance community appears to be split, at least to some degree, on the impact that two draft bills will have on the property insurance crisis, with some praising the changes and others warning that they won’t go far enough …

Oklahoma Speaker Lays out Guidelines for Tort Reform Session

Oklahoma lawmakers will likely take up more than two dozen bills when they convene at the state Capitol next month for a special session dealing with tort legislation, according to House Speaker T.W. Shannon. Shannon, R-Lawton, said a rewrite of …

Oklahoma Governor Calls Special Session on Lawsuit Reform

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has called for a special session of the Oklahoma Legislature, to begin Sept. 3 for work on lawsuit reform. Gov. Mary Fallin’s executive order calls on lawmakers to re-institute components of House Bill 1603, a comprehensive …

Oklahoma Lawmakers Want Special Session on Business Legal Liability

Spokesmen for the leaders of Oklahoma’s House and Senate said the lawmakers want the governor to call a special session “sooner rather than later” so that the Legislature can consider restoring laws overturned by the state Supreme Court that were …

Oklahoma House Dem Leader: Tort Reform Special Session ‘Waste of Time’

Getting Oklahoma lawmakers to return for a special session to address a civil lawsuit bill ruled unconstitutional by the courts is a “waste of time and money,” the House Democratic leader said. Rep. Scott Inman said he believes most Oklahomans …

Oklahoma Senate Chief Endorses Lawsuit Reform Special Session

Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman said he supports the idea of a special session to resurrect a lawsuit reform bill struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, and Gov. Mary Fallin said she’s discussing the idea with legislative leaders. …

Texas Governor: Storm Insurance Special Session Possibility

Gov. Rick Perry has said he may add reshaping the troubled Texas Windstorm Insurance Association to a special legislative session he’s already convened on redistricting, but wouldn’t yet say for sure whether he’ll give lawmakers more to do. Perry called …