state coronavirus actions News

States Braced for a Wave of COVID Lawsuits. It Never Arrived.

In a legislative flurry, 30 states instituted liability protections in late 2020 and early 2021 designed to protect businesses from COVID-19 lawsuits, out of fear that companies would be sued for exposing workers, clients or vendors to the swiftly spreading, …

Kentucky Gov to Relax Virus-Related Capacity Limits on Businesses, Events

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear on Thursday laid out the next phase for relaxing pandemic-related restrictions and said he hopes to lift any remaining capacity limits on gatherings this summer. “We’re very close to the end of this,” the Democratic governor …

Governor Lifts Most COVID Restrictions on Georgia Businesses

Georgia’s governor is removing many remaining requirements for social distancing and masked employees from businesses, saying that the state’s efforts to control COVID-19 have been successful even as its vaccination rate lags and federal officials continue to warn that the …

Kentucky Judge Rules Businesses Harmed by COVID Restrictions

A Kentucky judge on Friday temporarily blocked applying some of the state’s pandemic-related restrictions to several restaurants and breweries challenging the governor’s actions. Scott County Circuit Judge Brian Privett said in his narrowly tailored order that the rights of those …

West Virginia Loosens Virus Restrictions on Bars, Most Businesses

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice ordered to loosen pandemic restrictions on Friday at restaurants, bars and most businesses to allow full capacity at those establishments where social distancing is possible. The state’s mask mandate will remain in effect. Full capacity …

Kentucky Lawmakers Pass Bills Limiting Gov’s Authority on Pandemic Restrictions

In a stinging rebuke of the Democratic governor’s response to COVID-19, Republican lawmakers on Saturday gave final passage to bills limiting his emergency powers to impose restrictions meant to contain the coronavirus. After months of fuming from the sidelines as …

North Carolina Restaurant Owners, Workers Clash Over COVID Safety

Restaurant owners, who have seen their capacity and hours limited by government entities, are struggling to keep the doors open, while their staff, often in a very public-facing position, try to stay both employed and healthy. The tension in the …

Alabama Eases Licensing Rules for Out-of-State Doctors as Virus Surges

Regulators have loosened rules to make it easier for out-of-state doctors to work in Alabama as the coronavirus pandemic both fills hospital beds and strains medical staff by sickening doctors and nurses, officials said Monday as the first doses of …

Kentucky Begins Easing Virus Restrictions on Businesses

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced Thursday that the state’s restaurants, bars, gyms and other businesses will be able to return to their previous capacity limits starting Monday, Dec. 14. “When we talk about COVID being a fast moving train, it …

Florida Nursing Homes Will Be First to Receive COVID Vaccine

Residents in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities will be the first to get a coronavirus vaccine when Florida begins receiving it later this month, Gov. Ron DeSantis said. DeSantis’ priorities, announced in in a video last week, largely reflect the …