state health exchange News

West Virginia Still Weighing Health Exchange, Medicaid Options

West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin has yet to decide whether to open the Medicaid program to more lower-income residents, or how individuals and small businesses will seek coverage through the federal health care overhaul, administration officials told legislators this …

Mississippi Insurance Chief Wants State-Run Health Exchange, Not Partnership

After blocking Mississippi’s proposal for a state-run health insurance exchange because of divisions among state leaders on the plan, federal officials said Friday that they’re encouraging the state to seek approval for a partnership — an exchange jointly run by …

North Carolina Lawmakers Move to Halt State’s Health Exchange

North Carolina’s General Assembly is freezing any state work on a new one-stop shop to help people buy affordable health insurance and ordering unspent federal funds returned. Senate and House lawmakers this week filed identical bills that also make clear …

Florida Too Slow with Obamacare Regulations, Say Democrats

Florida Democrats expressed frustration with state insurance regulators Friday, accusing them of dragging their feet on drafting policies to comply with the new federal health overhaul. For nearly two years after the Affordable Care Act became law, Republican Gov. Rick …