state health exchanges News

For Small Companies in New York, Health Care Law Raises Questions

Restaurant owners Colleen and Tim Holmes were considering opening a third business in a growing upstate New York suburb but decided against it. One factor was the risk from expanding their staff beyond 50 full-time employees and having to provide …

No Penalty for Employers Not Telling Employees About Obamacare

Employers will not face a penalty if they fail to inform their workers by Oct 1 about changes under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, the administration said, in what will likely come as a relief to many small businesses. The …

Premium Increases Under Obamacare Are Exaggerated, Rand Says

Predictions of sharp increases in health-insurance premiums for people getting coverage under the U.S. Affordable Care Act have been overstated and many states will see little to no change, researchers at Rand Corp. found. Out-of-pocket premiums for most individuals who …