state sex abuse laws News

Church Official Warns of Financial Flood from Clergy Sex Abuse Claims

A top official with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe says a financial flood from clergy sex abuse claims is coming and a settlement would serve as the dam to prevent devastation to parishes across northern New Mexico. A letter from …

Facing Hundreds of Abuse Claims, Boy Scouts of America Files for Bankruptcy

The Boy Scouts of America said on Tuesday it had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy amid a flood of lawsuits over allegations of child sexual abuse stretching back decades. The bankruptcy is not expected to affect the organization’s programs, which …

Vatican Tribunal Processes ‘Tsunami’ of Clergy Sex Abuse Complaints

The Vatican office responsible for processing clergy sex abuse complaints saw a record 1,000 cases reported from around the world this year – and still some regions that haven’t reported any allegations at all. The Congregation for the Doctrine of …

How Sex Abuse Claims Laws Have Changed in 15 States

Fifteen states have revised their laws in the past two years extending or suspending statute of limitations to allow child sex abuse claims stretching back decades, unleashing potentially thousands of new lawsuits against the U.S. Roman Catholic Church. Some highlights …

Under New State Laws, Catholic Church Could See New Wave of Abuse Suits

A wave of new laws in 15 states that allow people to make claims of sexual abuse going back decades could bring a deluge of lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Church that could surpass anything seen so far in its …