stay at home News

4 of 5 Workers Remain Working from Home in UK Cities

Only 17% of workers in British cities had returned to their workplaces by early August, underscoring the challenge for Prime Minister Boris Johnson to steer the country away from its coronavirus shutdown, data published on Thursday showed. The Centre for …

Americans Ignore Work-From-Home Cyber Attack Risks: Chubb Survey

A large number of Americans working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic aren’t worried about cyber attacks even though they’re at greater risk compared to working in the office, Chubb found in a new survey. Some are even using …

Some Auto Insurer Premium Discounts Should Be Bigger, Say Consumer Groups

Two consumer groups said on Thursday that some of the largest U.S. auto insurers, including billionaire Warren Buffett’s Geico Corp., are short-changing customers on premium rebates as Americans drive less due to stay-at-home orders aimed at curbing the coronavirus outbreak. …