Storm Franklin/Antonia News

Insured Losses From February’s European Windstorms Estimated at €3.7B: PERILS

Insured losses for the European windstorm series, which affected the British Isles and continental Europe in February 2022, are estimated at €3.739 billion (US$3.8 billion), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data. The windstorm …

Natural Disasters Cost Global Economy $32B in Q1, With Only $14B Insured: Aon

Preliminary economic losses from natural hazards billion during the first quarter of 2022 totaled $32, of which less than 50% (or $14 billion), was covered by public and private insurers, according to a report published by Aon. Although the first …

Insured Losses for 2 Recent European Windstorms Estimated at €3B-€5B: Verisk

Insured losses due to wind from Winter Storms Dudley/Ylenia and Eunice/Zeynep will range between €3 billion and €5 billion (US$2.2 billion-$5.6 billion), the majority of which are expected in Germany, UK, and the Netherlands, according to Verisk Extreme Event Solutions …