storm shelters News

Interest in Storm Shelters Rising in Texas Panhandle

In a region that frequently sees tornadoes, Texas Panhandle residents are considering storm shelters and other tools to stay safe in a twister as dangerous and deadly as the ones that have recently struck North Texas and Oklahoma. Mike Vaughn, …

Some Arkansas Cities Mapping Storm Shelters

Officials in at least two Arkansas cities are asking their residents to let them know if they have storm shelters, while a third says he wants to update his city’s maps of the shelters. City officials in Searcy have asked …

Alabama Changes School Construction After Storms

The large amount of rebar and concrete on the construction site at Hatton High is not there by accident. Instead, it represents a change in how schools are constructed in Alabama. Three years after eight students died when a tornado …

Hurricane Sandy Doesn’t Worry Safety-Conscious ‘Preppers’ Homeowners

Hurricane Sandy is charging up the East Coast as a cold front is tearing across the U.S. from the west and an arctic blast is barreling down from the north. The resulting “Frankenstorm” could cause gale-force winds, heavy rains and …

Katrina’s Lessons in Mississippi May Have Saved Lives in Hurricane Isaac

For all the lives it took when it plowed across the Gulf Coast in 2005, Hurricane Katrina may have saved some during Isaac. Officials took lessons from Katrina and applied them to their emergency plans. Storm shelters that can house …

More Families Building Their Own Tornado Shelters

When deadly twisters chewed through the South and Midwest in 2011, thousands of people in the killers’ paths had nowhere to hide. Now many of those families are taking an unusual extra step to be ready next time: adding tornado …