student debt News

Billionaire Paying Off College Students’ $40 Million Debt Has Ties to Insurance Industry

The billionaire technology investor and philanthropist who has promised to assume the $40 million student debt of the entire graduating class at Morehouse College has ties to the insurance industry. Robert F. Smith, who addressed the nearly 400 graduating seniors …

More Employers Helping Employees with Money Worries: Viewpoint

Millions of Americans get their health insurance and retirement accounts through their employers. Now some are getting help with their debt. Companies including insurer Aetna and accounting firm PwC help employees pay down student loans. Others partner with startups to …

Global Situation is Creating a New ‘Lost Generation’: David Cole-Swiss Re

“Many Young people today face an uphill battle,” said David Cole, Swiss Re’s Group Chief Risk Officer and a member of the Group Executive Committee, speaking at the World Economic Forum Press Conference in London. “As a result of the …