Superstorm Sandy disaster assistance News

N.J. Gov. Christie Defends His Administration’s Sandy Response

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie again defended his administration’s handling of the recovery from Superstorm Sandy on Oct. 29, the third anniversary of the storm, acknowledging mistakes were made but emphasizing they were corrected and that the extent of the …

3 Years After Sandy, Thousands of Storm Survivors Still Can’t Go Home

Three years ago, Superstorm Sandy slammed the New Jersey shore, destroying homes, splintering boardwalks, wrecking businesses and displacing thousands of people. Three years later, several thousand still cannot get back home due to bureaucratic red tape with government aid programs, …

New Jersey Sandy Protesters Blast Gov. Christie

Some victims of Superstorm Sandy in New Jersey said they feel New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has forgotten about them in his pursuit of the presidency. About a dozen protesters intended to pitch tents and camp out across from the …