Superstorm Sandy News

New Jersey Official: State to Buy Flood-Prone Homes in ’13

New Jersey officials plan to unveil a plan in the next two to three weeks for buying out roughly 1,000 flood-prone homes from owners who want to sell them, a state Department of Environmental Protection spokesman said Tuesday. Since Superstorm …

Nearly 95% of N.Y. Sandy Claims Closed, Insurers’ Response Report Card Shows

New York State regulators’ latest Sandy response report card shows that almost 95 percent of Superstorm Sandy-related personal and business insurance claims in the state have now been closed. The report card, which is frequently updated, compiles data from 24 …

Feds Give Sandy Victims Up to 1 Year Break on Mortgage Payments

Federal mortgage payment relief has been extended up to one year for more than 200,000 homeowners whose houses were damaged by Superstorm Sandy. U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan announced the extension for homeowners with Federal Housing Administration-insured …

N.J. Transit: Post-Sandy Costs $450M and Still Rising; Federal Funds, Insurance to Cover Losses

The costs continue to mount for New Jersey Transit in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. At its monthly board meeting Wednesday, the agency approved paying another $28 million to a Canadian company to repair locomotives damaged when the rail yard …

In New York, Sandy Cleanup Work in 3 Long Island Towns Probed

The Suffolk County district attorney’s office has issued subpoenas to three Long Island towns as it investigates how local governments spent tens of millions of taxpayers’ money on Sandy cleanup. According to Newsday, municipal officials in Brookhaven, Islip and Babylon …

Hurricane Center Learns Lesson from Sandy; Changes Warnings

Responding to criticism after Superstorm Sandy, the National Hurricane Center says it will change the way it warns people about tropical storms that morph into something else. At the height of Sandy, as the hurricane knocked on the Northeast coast, …

N.Y. Charities to Provide 200 Coordinators to Help in Storm Recovery

New York officials and Catholic Charities have announced a $38.5 million program to provide more than 200 coordinators to help residents hurt by Superstorm Sandy recover and get access to needed services. The Disaster Case Management Program provides supplemental federal …

U.S. Announces $1.4B in Sandy Transit Aid to New York, New Jersey

The federal government announced $1.4 billion in aid last Friday, March 29, to transit agencies affected by Superstorm Sandy. Most of the aid announced by U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is going to four agencies in New York and New …

Lloyd’s Bounces Back from 2011 Loss: Posts $4.517 Billion 2012 Profit

Lloyd’s announced an overall profit of $4.517 billion for 2012, making the $800 million loss in 2011, the costliest year on record for natural catastrophes, a fading memory. Controlled growth in 2012 saw gross written premium income reach a record …

NYC Sandy Home Repair Program Wraps Up After Fixing 20K Homes

A novel endeavor to make flooded homes habitable after Superstorm Sandy is wrapping up after repairs to more than 20,000 houses and apartments, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said last Friday, March 22. As officials faced the challenge of housing thousands of …