Superstorm Sandy News

A Living, Lurking Threat in Sandy-Hit Homes: Mold

Esther Tauscher stood outside her Staten Island, N.Y., home, leafing through boxes of family photos that had been steeped in storm water. She paused to point out life events — her honeymoon, holding her baby boy in a hospital bed. …

N.Y. Gov. Proposes to Spend Up to $400M to Buy Out Storm-Wrecked Homes

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to spend up to $400 million to buy and demolish homes wrecked by Superstorm Sandy and permanently preserve the land as undeveloped coastline.A Cuomo administration spokesman confirms the state would use a portion of …

New Jersey Officials Warn of Storm-Damaged Car Re-Sales

New Jersey officials are warning would-be car buyers to be careful about buying vehicles that may have been damaged by Superstorm Sandy. The state’s motor vehicle commission has seen a near 6,000 percent increase in flood-damaged and salvage vehicle titles …

New York City Announces $15M Mold Cleanup Program Post-Sandy

New York City is beginning a $15 million program to clean up at least 2,000 homes that became contaminated with mold after they flooded during Superstorm Sandy.The program, paid for with private donations, comes following months of desperate pleas from …

Chubb to Adjust Underwriting in Northeast Post-Sandy

The Chubb Corp., which posted Superstorm Sandy-related pre-tax costs of $882 million in its latest earnings report, said there would be some adjustments to underwriting and pricing in the Northeast region going forward. Dino Robusto, president of personal lines and …

N.Y. Attorney General Offers Grants to Legal Groups Helping Sandy Victims

New York’s attorney general says a growing number of people are seeking legal assistance for battles with insurance companies over damage caused by Superstorm Sandy. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said Wednesday that he is awarding $743,000 in grants to 18 …

Coalition Pushing for New National Framework for Disasters

A coalition of national interests has introduced a framework intended to shape how the nation responds to natural disasters, or as one advocate of the framework described it, change the way governments and communities operate so they can “prespond to …

A Closer Look at Sandy Recovery Package: What’s Included in $50.5B Aid?

President Barack Obama has signed into law a $50.5 billion emergency measure for Superstorm Sandy victims. Here is a quick look at how the $50.5 billion package of recovery and related aid for victims of Superstorm Sandy and other federally …

N.Y. Lawmaker Aims to Clamp Down on Unfair Claim Settlement Practices

A New York state lawmaker recently introduced a piece of legislation that aims to prevent unfair claim settlement practices during a declared state emergency.Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R,C,I-Brooklyn, Staten Island) announced on Jan. 13 that she has drafted legislation that would …

New Maps Show 35,000 More NYC-Area Buildings in Flood Zones

Twice as many homes and businesses in and near New York City would be in flood zones under new maps that may force more property-owners to buy flood insurance, complicate post-Superstorm Sandy rebuilding for some and confront others with the …