Superstorm Sandy News

Adjusters Battling Power, Phone Outage, Long Gas Lines, Blocked Roads

Major insurers have deployed thousands of claims adjusters in the Northeast in the wake of Superstorm Sandy — they are working from dawn until late night to make contacts with policyholders, complete the estimate process and move claims forward. They …

Boating Loss From Superstorm Sandy Could Set Record

N.J. resident Kevin Kelly couldn’t quite tell the damage Superstorm Sandy caused his 30-foot Wellcraft Sportfisher when he saw it last week. It was in the middle of Shrewsbury Avenue in Highlands, N.J., under a pile of about 30 boats …

Superstorm Sandy Will Test Federal Flood Insurance Program

Superstorm Sandy is threatening to drag the U.S. government’s debt-ridden flood insurance program back into the political crosshairs just months after Congress attempted to put the controversial program on a sound financial footing. It is unclear if claims from Sandy, …