supply chain disruption News

Death Toll Rises from Japanese Earthquakes; Supply Chain Disruptions Examined

The death toll from earthquakes that struck southern Japan rose to 42 and the economic impact began to reverberate Monday as companies surveyed damage and the potential effects on production from supply-chain disruptions. The quakes that struck the island of …

Sony’s Camera Chip Factory Halts Production After Japan Temblor; AIR Comments

The earthquake in southern Japan that killed nine people, damaged buildings and derailed a bullet train also halted production at a Sony Corp. camera-chip factory, a key part of the global smartphone supply chain. The plant in Kumamoto on the …

Top 5 Issues in Often-Misunderstood Business Interruption Insurance

The high costs related to business interruption should provide an impetus for companies to prep for them in advance, according to industry experts. During a recent webinar hosted by global broker Marsh, insurance experts detailed the top five issues related …

Lloyd’s Chairman Nelson on Reinsurance Market, Coverholders, Future Expansion

Lloyd’s Chairman John Nelson is pleased with the current state of the Lloyd’s market. Shortly after Nelson was interviewed at the Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo, Lloyd’s announced a $1.67 billion [$2.72 billion] profit for the first half of 2014. …

Aon’s New Political Risk Map Highlights ‘BRICS’ Increased Risks

Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon plc, has unveiled its 2014 Political Risk Map, which identifies an increased risk rating for all five emerging market BRICS countries. Aon noted that “as a result, countries representing a …

Swatch Workshop Fire Seen Affecting Other Watchmakers

A fire that destroyed a workshop at a Swatch Group factory will affect other watchmakers as it supplies more than the Swiss firm itself. A break in production is likely to cut the availability of parts to an industry already …

Aon Unveils 2013 Interactive Political Risk Map; Focus on Emerging Markets

To complement its print version, Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon plc, has unveiled a new online and interactive political risk map with data going back more than 15 years. Aon explained the need for the …

Business Should Prepare for Potential East, Gulf Coast Port Strike: Marsh

A potential labor strike by longshoremen in ports from Maine to Texas at the end of the year could have devastating economic consequences as inventory depletion, rerouting, hoarding, and price speculation ripple through supply chains of global companies, insurance broker …

Natural Disaster in China Would Severely Disrupt Global Supply Chains

A natural catastrophe in China on the scale of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami would have an even more severe impact on supply chains, given China’s critical role in global manufacturing. That is according to a study commissioned by …

Spate of Disasters Exposes Supply Chain Weakness

When flood waters rose in Thailand, Wal-Mart stores in Japan ran out of mouthwash. “We were out of mouthwash in Japan for about four days,” Scott Price, Wal-Mart’s Asia chief executive officer, said at the APEC business leaders’ summit. “A …