supply chain News

Germany’s Rhine River at Dangerously Low Levels, Which Could Disrupt Shipping

Germany’s Rhine River is entering dry summer months with water levels at their lowest in two decades, prompting fears of shipping disruption on Europe’s most important inland waterway. After spring showers failed to show in Germany, the official water level …

Europe Faces Sweltering Summer with Below-Average Rainfall: Scientists

Europe is set for a sweltering and tinder dry summer this year, posing trouble for farmers, utilities and transportation on inland waterways. That’s the conclusion of scientists at the Copernicus Climate Change Service, who published the seasonal outlook this week. …

German Economy Relies on Rhine River – But Levels Are Low Without April Rainfall

Germany’s spring showers haven’t materialized this year, and that’s drying out the country’s most important river, prompting concerns that key industrial goods might have trouble making it to their destination. Typically one of the wettest months, Europe’s biggest economy has …

Global Coronavirus Cases Soar to 10,000 as WHO Declares Health Emergency

The U.K. confirmed its first two cases of coronavirus on Friday, while the U.S. and Japan advised citizens to avoid traveling to China. Singapore suspended visas issued to Chinese citizens. Stocks fell in Europe and Asia as the virus continued …

Many Global Firms Face High Coronavirus Costs Due to Insurance Exclusions

Many global companies from hotels and airlines to industrial houses are expected to have to foot the bill for disruptions caused by a new coronavirus in China, with epidemics usually excluded from insurance cover, experts said. With 132 deaths in …

Coronavirus Impact: Growing List of Global Firms Cut Back on China Business Activities

Starbucks Corp. has closed more than half of its coffee shops in mainland China — about 2,000 of them — and Toyota Motor Corp. is halting production in the country, as global corporations grapple with a SARS-like coronavirus that has …

Apple’s China-Centric Supply Chain Braces for Disruption From Coronavirus

Apple Inc.’s China-centric manufacturing base is at risk of disruption after the Lunar New Year holiday as the company’s partners confront the coronavirus outbreak that has gripped the country and caused more than 100 deaths. Virtually all of the world’s …

Key Irish Businesses Said Unprepared for Brexit, Face Supply Chain Risk

Some of the Irish businesses most exposed to the risk of Britain crashing out of the European Union in 10 weeks are not very well prepared, Ireland’s government warned on Thursday. The Irish economy is considered the most vulnerable among …

Rhine River Shipping Faces Another Historic Shutdown as Drought Hits Water Levels

The bustling boat traffic on Europe’s Rhine river ground to a halt for the first time in living memory last year, as shrinking alpine glaciers and severe drought made the key transport artery impassable. Those historic conditions could be repeated …

Sweltering Heatwave in Germany Sparks Wildfires, Forces Speed Cut on Autobahn

A blistering heatwave prompted Germany to impose speed restrictions on usually limit-free stretches of its high-speed motorways Wednesday, the latest sign of extreme weather events ruffling Europe’s largest economy. State authorities are reducing speeds to as low as 100 kilometers …