Supreme Court News

Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Rule in Blow to Regulators

A divided US Supreme Court threw out a decades-old legal doctrine that empowered federal regulators to interpret unclear laws, issuing a blockbuster ruling that will constrain environmental, consumer and financial-watchdog agencies. The 6-3 decision, which came in a fight over …

Supreme Court Makes It Easier to Sue for Job Discrimination

The US Supreme Court made it easier for employees to sue over discriminatory job transfers, siding with a St. Louis police officer who says she was shifted to a different role against her will because she is female. The justices …

Supreme Court Rules Corporate Silence on Impactful Trends Not Securities Fraud

Shareholders cannot sue companies for fraud if they flout a rule requiring disclosure of trends expected to affect their bottom line unless the omission makes another statement misleading, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Friday. The 9-0 ruling authored by …

Supreme Court Allows More Transport Workers to Bypass Arbitration and Sue Employers

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday paved the way for more truck drivers and other transportation workers to file employment-related lawsuits in court rather than private arbitration, ruling that an exemption from arbitration extends to workers outside of the transportation …

Supreme Court Allows Minnesota Lawsuit Against Fossil-Fuel Industry to Proceed

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Minnesota’s lawsuit against major actors in the fossil-fuel industry may proceed in state court. Without comment, the Court denied the petition of defendants ExxonMobil, the American Petroleum Institute, and three Koch Industries entities to …

Supreme Court Allows Justice Department to Toss Whistleblower Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday preserved the Justice Department’s power to unilaterally dismiss lawsuits filed under a law that lets whistleblowers sue businesses on behalf of the government to recover taxpayer money paid to companies based on false claims …

Supreme Court Limits Reach of Federal ID Theft Law

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday narrowed when identity theft can be included as part of federal criminal charges. In the case (Dubin v. U.S.), the high court found that not every use of another’s identification means there has been an …

Supreme Court Rejects Bid to Limit Civil Rights Lawsuits

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday preserved the ability of people to sue for civil rights violations under an 1871 law as it rejected a bid to prevent an Indiana nursing home resident’s family from suing over his care at …

Supreme Court Keeps Louisiana Wetland Damage Lawsuits in State Courts

NEW ORLEANS (AP) – A lawsuit against oil and gas companies over damage to Louisiana’s wetlands will remain in state court, the U.S. Supreme Court said, rejecting an appeal by major energy companies who wanted to get the case moved …

Google Case at Supreme Court Risks Upending the Internet as We Know It

An upcoming Supreme Court case could answer one of the toughest questions of the internet age: Should online companies be held responsible for promoting harmful speech? The case, Gonzalez v. Google, could upend the modern internet economy, sparing no online …