Supreme Court employee class actions News

Supreme Court to Weigh State Law That Circumvents Arbitration Agreements

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider buttressing the power of businesses to funnel employee disputes into individual arbitration proceedings, agreeing to hear a case over a California law that authorizes workers to press group suits. The justices said Wednesday they …

Supreme Court Pro-Arbitration Ruling a Big Win for Employers

The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees. …

Supreme Court Backs Employers on Forced Arbitration, Limiting Employee Class Actions

A divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers can force workers to use individual arbitration instead of class-action lawsuits to press legal claims. The decision potentially limits the rights of tens of millions of employees. The justices, voting 5-4 along …

Supreme Court Justices Appear Split Over Employee Class Action Case

Liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices on Monday defended the right of workers to bring class-action claims against companies but their conservative counterparts who are in the majority sounded skeptical in the biggest business case of the court’s new term. A …

Supreme Court to Decide Future of Workers’ Class Action Suits Against Employers

The U.S. Supreme Court kicks off its new nine-month term on Monday with a major employment case that could deprive workers of the ability to join together to file lawsuits when taking on companies over a wide range of labor …

Supreme Court to Decide If Employee Arbitration Clauses Are Enforceable Nationwide

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to consider whether companies can head off costly class action lawsuits by forcing employees to give up their right to pursue work-related legal claims in court as a group. The justices took up …