Supreme Court gay marriage ruling News

Couples Sue Kentucky Clerk Denying Gay-Marriage Licenses

Four Kentucky couples are suing a clerk who is refusing to issue gay-marriage licenses – or any marriage licenses at all – following the U.S. Supreme Court decision that same-sex couples have a legal right to marry. The American Civil …

How Supreme Court Marriage Ruling Affects Gay Couples’ Finances

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow same- sex marriage nationwide will remove tax and personal finance headaches that have bedeviled gay couples. The 5-4 decision by the court (Obergefell v. Hodges) is a particularly significant victory for many residents of …

6 Decisions Coming from Supreme Court Over Next Few Days

The U.S. Supreme Court is saving the best for last. The nation’s top court will issue a series of major rulings over the next several days as it closes its nine-month term. In addition to landmark gay-marriage and Obamacare cases, …

Gay Marriage Ruling Boosts Benefits for Many, Leaves Confusion in Some States

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Wednesday forcing the federal government to recognize same-sex marriage in states where it is legal will open up new benefits to thousands of gay couples, but confusion may reign in states that do not …