Supreme Court patent trolls News

Supreme Court Upholds Patent Review Process Favored by High-Tech

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday gave its stamp of approval to a government review process prized by high technology companies as an easy and cheap way to combat “patent trolls” and others that bring patent infringement lawsuits. The justices …

In Defeat for Patent Trolls, Supreme Court Limits Venue for Lawsuits

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday tightened rules for where patent lawsuits can be filed in a decision that may make it harder for so-called patent “trolls” to launch sometimes dodgy patent cases in friendly courts, a major irritant for …

Supreme Court Weighs Where Patents Lawsuits Can Be Filed

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struggled over whether to upend nearly 30 years of law governing patent lawsuits that critics say allows often-baseless litigants to sue in friendly courts, giving them the upper hand over high-technology companies such as …

Supreme Court Will Hear Case on Patent Litigants’ ‘Friendly Court’ Shopping

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday agreed to decide whether to limit where patent lawsuits may be filed, potentially threatening a years-long trend that critics say allows frequent and often-baseless litigants to sue in courts friendly to them. The justices …

Supreme Court Limits Patent Claims in 2 Rulings

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against patent holders in two cases, rejecting a legal theory used to sue technology companies and requiring patents to be written with more specific language. The rulings come in a Supreme Court term heavy with …

Supreme Court Rules Patent Suit Winners Can Get Legal Fees

Companies that successfully fight off “unreasonable” patent lawsuits can get their legal fees paid, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a decision that may benefit Google Inc., Apple Inc. and other technology businesses. The high court on Tuesday gave trial …

‘Patent Troll’ Issue Reaches Supreme Court

A dispute between two fitness equipment makers landed at the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, giving justices a chance to consider how to deal with so-called patent trolls, companies that acquire patents to sue for infringement or extract licensing fees. …