Supreme Court News

Supreme Court Denies Huge Sex Bias Class Action Against Wal-Mart

The Supreme Court rejected a mammoth class-action lawsuit charging sex discrimination at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Monday in a ruling that could affect major cases in other industries. The justices unanimously overturned a U.S. appeals court ruling that more than …

Supreme Court Defines Primary Liability in Mutual Fund Prospectus Case

Janus Capital Group Inc. and a subsidiary cannot be held liable in a lawsuit by shareholders over allegedly false statements in prospectuses for several Janus mutual funds, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday. By a 5-4 vote in a narrow …

U.S. Court in Georgia to Hear States’ Healthcare Law Challenge Today

A U.S. appeals court in Atlanta will hear a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the constitutionality of the healthcare reforms signed into law by President Barack Obama a year ago. The suit, filed by more than half the states, could reach the …

Supreme Court Rules in Halliburton Case

Halliburton Co. suffered a legal setback Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to make it harder for shareholders to proceed with some class-action securities-fraud lawsuits against publicly traded companies. The justices unanimously ruled that a U.S. appeals court erred …

Cell Phone Cancer Report Comes As Supreme Court Weighs Lawsuits

The U.S. Supreme Court is considering the fate of litigation against cell phone makers over safety risks, just as the industry comes under more scrutiny in the wake of a health report from the World Health Organization. A working group …

Prison Case Tests Liability of Private Workers Doing Government Work

The Supreme Court this week agreed to hear a case on the liability of employees of private companies that operate state and federal prisons, a case defense lawyers worry could open the floodgates for suits against other employees working under …

Supreme Court Hands Corporate Whistleblowers a Setback

The U.S. Supreme Court has handed corporate whistleblowers a setback with a 5-3 ruling that they cannot bring lawsuits on the basis of information they get from a Freedom of Information Act request. The court reversed a federal appeals court …

Supreme Court Hears Securities Fraud Loss Causation Arguments

The U.S. Supreme Court considered Monday whether to make it more difficult for shareholders to proceed with certain class-action securities-fraud lawsuits against publicly traded companies. The hour-long arguments before the justices in the case comes at a time when dozens …

Supreme Court Denies Fast Track for Healthcare Law Challenge

The Supreme Court refused Monday to speed up a ruling on President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic achievement that has provoked a fierce political and legal battle. The justices rejected the state of Virginia’s request to invoke a …

High Stakes in Today’s Supreme Court Case on Securities Fraud Suits

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday is set to hear arguments in a case that could dramatically raise the bar for shareholders seeking to file class-action lawsuits against public companies. The issue is especially timely, because dozens of shareholder class …