Supreme Court News

Military’s Medical Malpractice Shield Law Could Face Key Test

Veterans, military families and others who oppose a decades-old law that shields military medical personnel from malpractice lawsuits are rallying around a case they consider the best chance in a generation to change the widely unpopular protection. The U.S. Supreme …

Supreme Court Denies Insurance Fraud Inmate’s Bid to Cut Sentence

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a convicted insurance swindler who is protesting his 835-year prison term. The court did not comment Monday in turning away a plea from Sholam Weiss for his release from prison and return …

Supreme Court Weighs Bid for Fast-Tracking Healthcare Law Challenges

The Supreme Court will likely reject a request to speed up a ruling on President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul law, legal and financial analysts said. The justices Friday are scheduled to consider Virginia’s request seeking to bypass the normal appeals …

Supreme Court Justices Question Major Class Action Against Wal-Mart

Supreme Court justices sharply questioned Tuesday whether more than a million female employees can join together against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in the largest class-action sex-discrimination lawsuit in history. The justices seemed sympathetic to Wal-Mart in considering whether a small group …

Major Class Action Sex Discrimination Case Goes Before Supreme Court

The largest class-action sex-discrimination lawsuit ever will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court March 29, pitting Wal-Mart Stores Inc. against female employees who seek billions of dollars. The justices will decide whether the small group of women who began …

Supreme Court Makes It Easier to Sue Businesses

The Supreme Court made it easier to haul businesses into court, ruling this week that investors can sue them for purposefully withholding damaging information about a product and that employees can sue them for retaliation without having to make a …

Panel Recommends New Business-Only Court in West Virginia

The West Virginia Supreme Court is being encouraged to create a new system to consider all business-related lawsuits. The recommendation comes from a six-member committee the court appointed last year in response to legislation. Lawmakers called for the review, saying …

Obama Administration Appeals Florida Judge’s Healthcare Ruling

The Obama administration Tuesday appealed a U.S. judge’s ruling in Florida that struck down its landmark healthcare overhaul law as unconstitutional because it required Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty. President Barack Obama’s Justice Department filed its …

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuits Over Seat Belts

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal regulations setting vehicle safety standards do not bar lawsuits seeking damages from automakers for installing lap-only seat belts. The unanimous ruling held that a California lawsuit against Mazda Motor Corp. over a fatal …

Supreme Court Rules Federal Law Shields Vaccine Makers from Suits

The Supreme Court ruled that federal law shields vaccine makers from product liability lawsuits in state court seeking damages for a child’s injuries or death from a vaccine’s side effects. The high court on Tuesday ruled for Wyeth, which is …